понеделник, 23 февруари 2015 г.



Ако живеем 78 години, ще сме прекарали около 8 години в гледане на телевзия. 4 години зад волана. Над 3 месеца в тоалетната. 25 години – в сън...Това е близо половината от живота ни. Разбира се, без сън не можем да живеем повече от десетина дни. Така че тези 25 години прекарани в сън са важни. Но се опасявам, че както вървят нещата в последното десетилетие, по-младите от нас ще са прекарали още 25 години във Фейсбук ...  Ще можем ли да си спомним какво сме правили през останалото време?... Дори тези около 45 дена секс...  Или другите моменти на щастие? Например разходка в гората в слънчев майски ден преди десет години... Или закуска с хора, които обичаме преди петнайсет години... Какво друго е личното щастие? Гледане на мач? Филм, игра на шах, концерт? Четене на книга? Бягство от живота във фантазиите... Колко дена наистина сме били щастливи?... Но не е ли най-щастливото време в живота ни мигът преди заспиване? Когато блуждаем на границата между будност и сън – освободени от болката и стреса, освободени от тягостни мисли, предчувствия и спомени... Като бели облаци в небето. Отплували далеч от бремето на времето.

четвъртък, 19 февруари 2015 г.


     Васил Левски може би наистина е най-важната личност в българската история. Неговият живот, неговата смърт и неговите тайни комитети са свидетелство не само за това, че българинът е готов на саможертва за някаква надлична кауза, но и за това, че е способен на систематична и организирана колективна дейност. Всеки ден се сблъскваме с примери за точно обратното – особено в сферата на политическото – алчност и задкулисни сделки, хаотични действия. Виждаме систематичност и последователност само в преследването на лични интереси. А в обществените дела има систематичност най-вече в липсата на систематичност. Последователност най-вече в липсата на последователност. Васил Левски сякаш не е българин.

     Ние сме индивидуалисти, не сме отборни играчи. Левски със своите тайни комитети ни дава самочувствието, че като народ все пак сме способни на организирано колективно действие. И то в най-опасната от всички игри. Левски е знаел, че ако спечели – печели цял народ, той себеотрицателно е организирал тайни комитети сред народа. За да спечели целият народ, трябва целият народ да участва в "играта", а не да чака "Дядо Иван," или някой друг отвън, да му уреди държавата.

     Но има нещо, което за мен е смущаващо. Националният ни празник е денят, в който се подписва мирът между две империи –  Руската и Османската. Това е денят, в който някой друг, отвън, ни е "освободил от робството”. (Впрочем 3 март е 19 февруари по стар стил, така че честит Национален празник по стар стил!)   И другите ни два големи празника свързани с националното освобождени – 19 февруари (макар че обесването на Левски всъщност било на 18) и 2 юни –  са дни на смъртта. Да, героичната смърт, но все пак смъртта, а не раждането, или възраждането честваме. Защо не празнуваме победите си, рождествата и възражданията повече, а само героичната смърт? ( Да не говорим, че върху тези две героични смърти, на Левски и на Ботев, пада и сянката на българско предателство.)

    Най-светлият и оптимистичен български празник е 24 май. "...че и ний сме дали нещо на светът/ и на вси Словене книга да четът..." 

      24 май се празнуваше и по комунистическо време и беше единственият наистина светъл празник, на който не се говореше за бесилки, зловщо грачещи гарвани и черно робство, Нито манифестираха танкове и строени бойни редици със съветски знамена, с портрети на другарите Живков и Брежнев. Манифестираха учениците, с много цветя, венци, портрети на светите братя Кирил и Методий и песента "Върви народе възродени..."

     Самата идея, че сме били роби, буквализирането в българското съзнание на метафората “турско робство” е смущаваща. Макар, че са имали сродни исторически съдби с нашата, сърбите и гърците, не наричат себе си роби.  Метафората за черното робство, която е изиграла своята роля по време на националното възраждане и освобожение, днес е по-скоро израз (но също и генератор) на национални комплекси. Много си обичаме синилата от бича и дирите от хомота! И все чакаме някой отвън да дойде да ни освободи. Или се оплакваме, че някой отвън пак ни е поробил, че нищо не можем да направим сами.

     Животът и дейността на Васил Левски наистина би трябвало да повдигат националното ни самочувствие. И не само заради саможертвата му, не само заради способността за целенасочено, организирано общо действие. Но също и заради това, че в републиката, за която Левски е мечтаел, всички е трябвало да имат равни права, независимо от етническата си или верска принадлежност. Днес сме свидетели на далеч по-празнословен, площаден и същевременно по-примитивен национализъм. И не само в България. По света набира мощ и  ксенофобията и религозния фундаментализъм. Връща се на мода и преклонението пред авторитарната имперска власт.  Идеите на Левски са модерни, европейски, възрожденски. Не се ли връщаме към предмодерното мислене  143 години по-късно?

неделя, 8 февруари 2015 г.

English translations of poems included in my latest Bulgarian poetry collection

Here are the English translations of some of the poems in my latest Bulgarian poetry collection "Любов на площада" ("Love on the Public Square"), 2014.  The book includes love poems and political poems written ( in Bulgarian mostly) during the last 35 years.

 Vladimir Levchev


“No man is an island entire of itself. . .
We all live in Manhattan. . .
At 8:45 in the morning
I was walking downtown.
The streets went murky, the towers stood bright,
the House was deserted, the wind slammed a door. . .
A radio kept singing: “Downtown, downtown. . .”
Then I saw the tower of the world,
the sunny double tower.
And I saw the airplane hijacked by a dream,
I saw the swift shadow of the Unconscious,
I saw the archangel of
sink in the mirror,
sink in the sunny high tower
downtown. . .
Then the blast of bad dreams. . .
Then the late summer snow
of a million silenced letters and pictures,
the delicate snow of memories
pouring over the world. . .

“Flood-tide below me! I see you  face to face!
Clouds of the West – sun there half an hour high – I see you also face to face. . .
Stand up, tall masts of Mannahatta! stand up, beautiful hills of Brooklyn!”
. . . a snow of letters, pictures and shoes
falling, falling on Mannahatta.

Then I saw the black wall,
the hundred and ten storied wall of depression
approaching on the narrow streets,
midnight approaching at noon
I met the midnight of global madness. . .
“. . . if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me. . .”
Then the night passed away and I saw
Durer’s St. Anne with swollen big eyes
in a nurse’s green dress
walking through the rubble,
through dusty asbestos ambulances and wind. . .
I saw the faces of the dead and the faces of the living
walking together downtown.
I saw the faces of the world.
I saw your faces.
“And death shall have no Dominion.” 

                                                        written in English

It's been like in those dreams:
you are at the beach,
in August, in high school,
green airy waves and laughter
of girls and seagulls.
And the snow begins to fall:
slow letters and shirts
from a heavenly explosion.
And the smiling faces
of teachers and kids
morph into monsters.
Later black kites and ravens
fly by low
over the leaden ocean.
And you realize
that your dream has come true:
you have grown up.
And you can't wake up anymore
in that warm
other country.

written in English


When a poor man begs at the door
it is a shame.
When the rich man’s company begs on the phone
it is commercial strategy.

If a poor man sends someone
to kill his neighbor,
this is a terrible crime.
If the president sends his troops
to kill  some of the neighbors,
this is patriotism.

The rich man can buy himself a senator.
A poor man can buy himself
the newspaper of the rich man
and read about the senator.

Yes, the rich kid goes to law school.
Yes, the poor kid
sells drugs in the alley.
Justice for all.

                                       translated by the author with Alicia Ostriker


A southern sea and trees
white with cement dust.
Sweating concrete buildings
turned green.
Novorosiysk is proud
of its ugly monument to the perished heroes
of a senseless troop landing.

The city resembles
that young wrinkled widow
in torn stockings,
a dressing gown and slippers,
who walks the boulevard and stares at the tourists.

She knows
it is no good to be pitied.
And she does not want to be pitied.
But she hopes to embarrass.

Novorosiysk, USSR, 1989

                                     translated by the author with Alicia Ostriker


God is something very small
and transient.
It trembles inside us.
Outside is death.

*      *       *

But if a man sings out
when stood against the wall,
is he not greater than death?

For is not man
stood against the wall?

Let him sing!

                                     translated by the author with Henry Taylor

                            For Ismail Kadare

For millennia we have quarreled,
for millennia we have built and demolished
the Balkan bridge
(over the Drina,
over the Danube,
over  the Ujana e Keqe
in Albania). . .

For millennia we have asked ourselves:
Where is the Golden City –– East
or West?
Where is the real Prophet?
And what will be our profit
from that bridge
between the Sunrise and the Sunset?

With knifes in our teeth,
we have asked ourselves:
Is it true that living people,
our people,
have been immured
to make the bridge stronger?

For millennia we have quarreled, and fought,
died and killed,
built and demolished. . . .

the airlines were invented. . .
Today no traveler can see
our ancient bridge.

                  translated by the author with Alicia Ostriker


You are beautiful
like a sea in the warm fall:
the ripe quince of the sun,
the horizon swimming with haze.
Your movements are shadows
on the flaming sand. . .
You are beautiful.
And a swift smile passes:
the shadow of a gull on the water.

You take possession of me
like the solitude of white dunes
under the thorns, the wind, the sunset.
You take possession of me
like the calm instant before sleep:
like a ride in a stroller
under the golden poplar trees of the first year.
You are untouchable, like yesterday.
(Now that dreams rush on and startle me:
a swelling sea in the cold night.)
You are untouchable like the past
of the man without a future.

Nothing else is left for me,
but to imagine we are together
and kiss you in the cold
under the solitude of stars.

I love you,
because you do not exist.

                                      translated by the author with Henry Taylor        

                            In memory of Danila Stoyanova (1962-1984)

In the hurricane, amidst the stubble
the bright bluebell, nothing’s eye,
is too small for the lightning to strike.
The sycamores, red-hot, hiss in the rain,
a bolt strikes the field, rocks are scalded. . . .
Unable to take cover, the flower stands watch
and at last becomes the blue sky.

Skyshort-lived and fragile flower,
brightened by magnetic storms,
breathing in the darkness, blue atop green,
it flickers, blooms, fades,
beholds the death of stars.
In the horror of the dark cosmos
who blew in the seed of the sky?

Who loves all fleeting things
a ray of sun, each conception,
the history of the earth itself?
He could be as small as the tear
that brims in your eye
in the storms of constant parting:
a flashing beacon in the sea of death.

                                      translated by the author with Henry Taylor


We swam naked out of the pond,
and the pond flew into our senses.
We climbed up the afternoon slope
and the chill inflamed our bodies.

Down the road I saw us walking.
But the road was leading inside me.
That bonfire was not only smoke:
the stars still singe me as I fall asleep.

On a damp sheet on an old bed
I entered your dream that evening.
But now it pulses on my forehead,
making love to my naked soul.

The desk and the lampa circle of light
in a churning creek, in the mountains. . . .
A scent of pine and snow and menace
and, down below, a blue dusk prowling.

The withered summer breathеs from the grass.
The grass smells sweetest when freshly mown.
After we looked into the dark space
the blue sky seemed warmer and closer.

The moon is mute and red, resembling
a widening wound in the dark.
Life is open, it bleeds and drains.
Only the death of the world is eternal.

                                      translated by the author with Henry Taylor



The Devil is the difference between us.
The Devil is the secret
everyone knows about himself.

God is something we have in common.
God is what we don’t know.


The dark blood of the late sun
slips in under the bars
of your kitchen window.
The backyard smells of pot and rat.
You hear gunshots.
You are free!
You are free to buy a gun,
and even shoot yourself.
You are free to watch television the whole day
and drink warm Bud
waiting for the eviction notice.
Yes, you are free
to buy that million dollar home on the screen
with the surreal blue sky
and the green lawn with the kids.
Or at least you are free to dream.
You are free
to apply for all the great jobs on earth
that you will never get,
because of bad color or bad karma.

Yes, you are free, brother!
You are free to dream the boldest dreams
alone, under the stars, or under the rain.

                                               translated by the author with Alicia Ostriker


Like a drowning man
I embrace you.
I turn to you in the dark
аs a sunflower
тurns toward a lighted match.
I am speaking to you
as the lone tree in a long night
speaks to the wind.
It is cold
And you are only a dream…
The One I love
is not here.
I embrace you,
because you are
His shadow in everything:
You are the great absence
in the world.

                            translated by the author with Henry Taylor


We are the Bulgarian soldiers in Macedonia
blinded by Basil,
the emperor of Constantinople.
We are 15,000 men.
One in every ten of us
has one eye to lead us.
We hold hands, walk and trip,
like a ring dance
from horizon to horizon
under the light of the sunset.
We were returning home
to our king Samuel.
The king saw us
and died of a heart attack.
But we didn't see him.
So we continue our dance
barefooted in wild forests,
on the embers of camp fires,
sliding on frozen lakes
under the cold sharp constellations ...
We are dancing towards a new millennium
and all we can see
in our future
is our past.
                                      translated by the author with Henry Taylor


Is a flower quite insidious and rare.
It fails in the hands of biologists
who pick
or plant it.
Hypnotic, the wind brings it from nowhere
and sows it in the corn.
Watchful farmers weed it out,
disturbed by their premonitions.

But the careless ones pay no attention.
It grows and ravages their fields;
steals forth, lays siege to the houses
and they fall; it slips into dreams,
suffocates the dreamers  debases them
and so they laugh,
insisting they're happy.

It can even crack open their skulls
and blossom fire into the sky.

It's an insidious creature:
subtle as everything so tender and fugitive.
It wakens quietly and multiplies in Death's bones and brain
and lungs it spurts metastases
so incurably alive.

And it is contagious:
latent as sadness in the eyes
of a yearning woman,
in the eyes of a lonely man,
or in their bodies:
hidden like sorrow, gathering, abiding,
until such time as its victims writhe
with fever and laughter.
It is desperate, ravenous:
feeding on everything, transfiguring
what it eats, consuming foul slums
and turning them into new worlds.
It swallows banks and factories,
converting them to children's laughter.
It swallows loneliness
which becomes the voice of God.
It swallows sick bodies
and turns them into stellar music.
It consumes minds
and they become nights lit up by crickets.
It engulfs all anguish
and engenders a galaxy of love
violently opening in the dark ...
And in the end the Flower
will be the end of the earth.
It will open its sweet maw of fire
and swallow the unwell world
to become its meaning.
translated by Carolyn Forche